These are the frequently asked question by our users, they might help you. If your issue is not present or you still need any further help, please don't hesitate to contact us at
It is very simple process for you, you just create a task, events or reminder and everything will be taken care by Scheduleify.
Once you create task, events or reminder in planner screen, Scheduleify sort and organize your task, events based on their priority and apply your custom schedules rules to them.
Once final list is ready then again Scheduleify checks your calendar availability and finally adds tasks to your schedule based on availability and preferences.
Scheduleify creates most effective schedule for you and also maintain it even if your preferences change. Sometimes you might want to add your own event into schedule or modify the event timings, in that case you are telling Scheduleify that, I don’t want to follow your standard schedule and work on my own event or event with my custom timings as per my current needs. That’s where you get warning that you are overriding the standard schedule. Once you continue to override event and since you wanted to manage event timings by your own, Scheduleify ensures that timings are not getting updated even after preferences/settings change. To restore the behaviour, you can create new schedule.
1. Add your task, events and reminder 2. Add your rule and that’s it! you should get your first schedule. To customize your schedule, you can customize your rules and add more tasks to get more accurate schedules.
Yes, Scheduleify can adjust, using google calendar import feature. Turn ON google calendar import from Scheduleify app settings and select the calendar you want to consider for making your schedule.
Open Scheduleify App > goto app settings > account > delete account